
All higher mammals have the ability to build experience. Humans are unique. Our species, Homo Sapiens, could be translated as “knowing people” or “wise people”. We know that we have experience. We can think about our own experiences. We can re-live them in our imaginations.

When babies are born they have very little control over their movement, They can cry and drink milk. Everything after that is learned experience.

Another way that we humans are unique is that as we evolved, we shifted parts of our brain controlling our bodies away from areas that made automatic movement. We transferred them into the thinking areas that make us Sapiens.

Man thinking about body movement in the gym
Man thinking about body movement in the gym

People can watch the activity of others, imagine it in their own bodies, and make their own bodies move that way. Most of us can imagine opening a door. Or open a door. It's the same in our brain.

Elite gymnasts can even imagine, and then with practice, perform a triple somersault, maybe with twisting too.

Same brain, different experiences. From opening a door to gymnastics, and everything in between. We learn what we focus on, and when we bring back our learning, that is experience.

boy watching rock climber to copy movement
boy watching rock climber to copy movement

We aren't talking about our parents telling us “sit up straight” here, which we try and then forget after a few seconds.

NeoFlow is about experiential learning; accessing how the mind maps to the body and body movement, then changing the way they work together. To move in more fluid and harmonious ways, with more freedom and less pain.

woman using flow movement to free neck
woman using flow movement to free neck

For NeoFlow, this is important because a lot of our movement is learned indirectly. Nobody told you how to move your head, how to position your shoulders. You just saw, copied, tried. Though it might look the same from the outside, hidden inside we're all achieving position and movement in different ways.

But our experience is plastic. We can re-form and re-shape experience in different ways. Because our minds and our bodies are so intertwined in our brains, we could learn how to sit, stand and move in ways more in harmony with our physiology.

man experiencing free flowing body movement
man experiencing free flowing body movement

Experience is Plastic

Plastic is Fantastic

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“It is preoccupation with possession, more than anything else, that prevents men from living freely and nobly.”

- Bertrand Russell

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